How to create an app to Scan Receipts

How to create an app to Scan Receipts – ECELLORS CRM Blog -

[…] How to create an app to Scan Receipts […]

#### [Florian Turba]( "[email protected]") -

Hi, I just found your video and have a question. When trying to save the flow for getting the data in, I receive an error: “Correct to include a valid reference to “Compose” for the input parameters of the HTTP _-_ Analyze_receipt action.” (-> translated from German). Here is the expression I used to get Content-Type: dataUriToBinary(replace(outputs(‘Compose’),’"’,’’))[’$content-type’] And here is the expression for the body: dataUriToBinary(replace(outputs(‘Compose’),’"’,’’)) For the “Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key” I used the Key 1 from Azure keypoints. Any suggestions how to solve that? Thank you in advance. Best Florian

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